The Zephyr Quartet is a South Australian based string quartet dedicated to introducing new audiences to the quartet medium and to showing the versatility of this medium to existing audiences.

Zephyr promotes and encourages emerging and established artists by commissioning and performing new works.

Zephyr creates new and interesting explorations in the use of a string quartet in modern art forms and invites collaborations.

Zephyr has a passion for all styles of music and is able to present an eclectic array of music suitable for any occasion.


Art Gallery of South Australia, Radford Auditorium
Thursday 20 August, 8pm

A stunning program of contemporary works inspired by the rich Jewish musical tradition. In collaboration with Soundstream: Adelaide New Music Festival, Zephyr Quartet presents a compelling program including the extraordinary Jewish-Argentinean composer Osvaldo Golijov’s moving string quartet Yiddishbbuk, plus premiere performances of works by Quentin Grant and Melisande Wright and featuring guest artists from the visiting Dutch Telesto Trio. Embracing the vast and varied possibilities of this unique musical spirit, experience contemporary music for the ears, heart, mind and soul.

$30 full, $20 conc (plus booking fee)
VenueTIX 8225 8888 or www.venuetix.com.au

Soundstream: Adelaide New Music Festival
19-22 August 2009

Impulse - Leigh Warren and Dancers and Zephyr Quartet