The Zephyr Quartet is a South Australian based string quartet dedicated to introducing new audiences to the quartet medium and to showing the versatility of this medium to existing audiences.

Zephyr promotes and encourages emerging and established artists by commissioning and performing new works.

Zephyr creates new and interesting explorations in the use of a string quartet in modern art forms and invites collaborations.

Zephyr has a passion for all styles of music and is able to present an eclectic array of music suitable for any occasion.

Emily Tulloch - Violin

Emily is currently balancing an active musical life while finishing a Masters in violin performance at the Elder Conservatorium, Adelaide. In 2003 she completed her BMus at the Elder Conservatorium and in 2004 received first class Honours. Her strong interest in orchestral playing has seen her perform and tour with Adelaide-based ensembles such as Co-Opera and the Adelaide Art Orchestra, and nationally with the Australian Youth Orchestra. She has also been involved in youth music ensembles for a number of years, maintaining an active role in the development of the Adelaide Youth Orchestra from its inception to 2005, acting as Concertmaster/Mentor in 2004-5. She also enjoys musical theatre and has played in productions of The Phantom of the Opera, The Boy From Oz and Miss Saigon.

Impulse - Leigh Warren and Dancers and Zephyr Quartet